Funds may be switched from one currency to another until the interest rate gap reflects the expected appreciation or depreciation of one currency against the other. 投资者可以把资金由一种货币调动至另一种货币,直至利率差距反映一种货币对另一种货币的预期升值或贬值幅度。
Severe inflation has led to a great depreciation in the value of that nation's currency. 严重的通货膨胀致使那个国家的货币大幅度贬值。
Chinese exporters are likely to step up calls for a depreciation of the currency. 中国出口商很可能加大要求人民币贬值的呼声。
The depreciation of the US dollar raises once again the question of how long the natural life of a reserve currency can be. 近期美元贬值,再次令人想起储备货币的自然寿命究竟有多长的问题。
In a speech last month, Spencer Dale, Bank of England chief economist, noted with particular concern that inflationary pressures in China were unlikely to be offset by a corresponding depreciation in the value of its currency. 上月,英国央行(boe)首席经济学家斯宾塞戴尔(spencerdale)在一次演讲中特别担心地指出,中国的通胀压力不太可能被其货币的相应贬值所抵消。
Depreciation of our currency makes it easier for domestic firms to compete with foreign firms. 本国货币币值下跌使本国企业较易与外国企业竞争。
The high level of the gold price at the moment, reinforced by the depreciation of the Vietnamese currency, has stimulated gold owners in Vietnam to sell their gold. 目前金价处于高位,再加上越南盾正在贬值,刺激了越南的黄金持有者出售黄金。
Empirical results indicate that both the descending of foreign real interest rate and a slump of monetary expansion will induce a real depreciation of China's currency. 实证研究结果表明:国外实际利率水平下降,实际货币供应量增长率降低都将引起人民币均衡汇率贬值。
Great deals of theoretical and empirical studies have indicated that real depreciation of a currency is advantageous to expand domestic employment quantity. 大量理论和实证研究表明,本币实际贬值有利于扩大本国的就业量;相反,本币实际升值将导致本国就业量下降。
Singapore does not strongly interfere with the currency appreciation, but inclines to exist in the currency depreciation pressure, laissez-faire moderate depreciation of the currency. 新加坡政府并不强力干预本币的升值,但更倾向于在本币存在贬值压力时放任本币的适度贬值。
The growth of demand of foreign products was larger than that of domestic products and therefore implied to the pressure of the depreciation of local currency. 国外产品长期需求的增长大於本国产品的出口增长,因此,本国货币产生贬值的压力。